I left work this afternoon not knowing my route home.
Before I left, I enjoyed this juice that I made in the morning - 4 carrots, 3 celery pieces, and about a cup of spinach.

Ten minutes later I ended up at the ocean.

About 15 minutes after that, I ended up in downtown Santa Cruz.
It was there where I saw the most unique street performer yet. She was perched on a folding wooden stool and had an old typewriter propped in front of her on a beat up old suitcase. A small stack of typing paper was being held to the ground by her feet. It was unusually cold and windy for Santa Cruz, and she was just sitting there staring ahead as I rode by. I got off my bike and walked back in front of her to ask her what she was doing. I didn't have to ask, because her purpose was stenciled on the front of the beat up suitcase.

So I had her type something up for me. She even addressed it in an envelope.
Ten minutes after that I took a detour behind some warehouses and found this nice bike path.

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