Round Two of Commute for a Cause runs from January 1 to April 30, 2010

Thursday, May 28, 2009

mountain biking in Tahoe - Memorial Day weekend

Adria and I went to Lake Tahoe over Memorial Day Weekend to ride mountain bikes.

On our first day of riding we rode the world-famous "Tahoe Flume Trail" - a trail that early in the century was designed for flumes to move lumber from the top of the summit down the mountain. A mountain bike advocate in the mid 1900's conviced the state to turn it into a multi-use trail.

After a brutal climb for the first four miles that maxed out at a 17% incline (!) we were rewarded with beautiful views of Lake Tahoe.

There were sections that were very rocky and technical - this is Adria on a rocky singletrack section. Don't look down!

On our second day of riding we rode an out 'n back along the Emigrant Trail - nearly 30 miles round trip. We climbed 3,200 feet in the four hour ride. Here's the profile from my GPS.
Beautiful riding on a flat section - snow-capped peaks in the background and spring flowers in bloom in the foreground.

Singletrack. Singlespeed.
Good times.
There was a lot of snow melt that made for some fun creek crossings. I ended up over the bars on this one, though, because it turned out to be too deep to cross.

1 comment:

  1. Great article. Mountain Biking is a great activity that can be enjoyed by all the family.

    mountain biking blog
